Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wedding Day

Yay, I made it through finals and now we have a two week Neurology course from 7:30-5:00 pm everyday....not sure how you can learn Neuro in two weeks, but I have a feeling it will be pretty intense. I just keep thinking its just two weeks and then we are off to Mexico. We finally get to have our honeymoon and we are so excited. Better late than never, actually it will probably be way better than if we went right after we got married anyways. Well I wanted to post my favorite wedding pictures, but there would be way too many so here are a few.
 My very crafty, talented, and beautiful friend Kristen made so many of these adorable tissue balls for me!
 Sarah Winward did our flowers and she did such a wonderful job!
 THE Steven Sharp nelson, I just needed John Schmidt so that they could play love story! Go to Youtube and look up some of his electric cello stuff, he is amazing!
 Frozen yogurt cake cutting. Pineapple dole whip for him and coconut for me!
 I absolutely love this picture. I am such a Daddy's girl and I still am. Jake always thinks I am talking to my family, especially my parents, and its true, but I have a feeling I will be doing that forever. My dad is my hero and I love him so much and that daddy daughter dance was perfect!
 This little dude seriously has the best dance moves ever, he is so funny to watch.

 Jake doesn't really like this picture, but I love it, I mean he looks dead sexy!

 My favorite wedding detail was definitely my dress, It was exactly what I wanted, Penelope does amazing work!
However, she was a little shocked when I told her I would be wearing TOMS with it:)

 Jake's cute family!

The Smart family, with Landon's cut out and crazy avery, I love her!
 Mr. and Mrs. Smith 12-27-2011
I had so much help from my wonderful family and friends with this wedding and I am so grateful for all of you who helped me because you made it perfect!

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